In February 2019, Food & Trees for Africa (FTFA) began a Trees For Homes project in Newcastle, KwaZulu-Natal. This project is an amazing example of the power of individual giving. A private donor, the Yuill family, have sponsored 750 fruit trees to be distributed to 375 households in the Mafahlawane Community, near Newcastle. This is a community that is close to the family’s hearts; they want to see impact growing for this special place.

FTFA facilitator, Jeminah Mkhize, ran a training workshop for Community Educators (CEs) on 14 February 2019 and was overjoyed by the enthusiasm and passion show by the group. These CEs will assist FTFA in running the tree distribution to the community as well as monitor the survival of all 750 trees for which they will be paid stipends.

On 22 February, Sosinda Primary School in Mafahlawane hosted the tree distribution day where the Yuill family, trained CEs, FTFA team, and community members joined forces to distribute and plant the 750 fruit trees. Each home received two fruit trees which will bolster food security and nutrition in the community. These trees will provide community members and the learners of Sosinda Primary School with shade and nutritious fruit in their own garden for decades to come.

This project is a profound illustration of the power of individual giving to impact local communities.

News Tag, Trees For All, Trees in Shared Spaces
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